Pros and Cons of Forced Air Heating Systems

When you want to provide your home with efficient heating, there are many options to choose from. A popular option is to have a forced air heating system installed. This provides heat through ducts that are installed in your home, which force hot air through the vents and into each room. Here are some pros and cons of forced air heating systems so you can decide if this is a good option for you.

Pro: You get quick, even heat 

One of the top benefits to forced air heating is that you can heat up every room in your home quickly and efficiently. There isn't a wall heater that is only going to heat one room at a time, or a slow and gradual heat like what you get with radiant heating. After turning it on, the majority of the rooms should feel the same warmth, and in record time. Just make sure the vents are open and nothing is obstructing the air flow.

Con: There is a risk of allergens entering the air supply

Your heating system will have air filters that are meant to capture allergens and debris, but some of it may still enter your home through the ducts when you turn the heater on. This can either be due to the dust and allergens being in the ducts and not filtered properly, or due to a clogged filter. Either way, you may notice an increase in allergy symptoms if allergens like dust, mold spores, and animal dander don't get filtered out properly.

Pro: Forced air is more affordable than other systems

As far as whole-house heating systems go, forced air is one of the most affordable ones you can get. This is because forced air heating isn't just for heat, but for air conditioning as well. The installation you go through to have ductwork installed provides you with heat in the winter, but also air conditioning in the spring and summer seasons. Radiant heating is another pricey heating installation, but it doesn't include air conditioning in the same system.

Con: More maintenance is required

On the downside, you need to keep up with cleaning and maintenance of your forced air heating system if you want it to run properly. To reduce allergens, make sure your ducts are cleaned and the air filters are cleaned or replaced. Also make other maintenance and repairs as needed, such as fixing the thermostat when it has issues or working on ductwork repair. Working with an HVAC technician for regular service is recommended.
