How To Heat Your Home

Proper heating will keep your home warm and cosy during the cold winter months. Besides, a well-heated home will fetch a reasonable price in the property market. Read this guide for some pro tips on how to heat your house.

Home Design And Heating

Your home design can significantly impact your home's heating. For instance, you should construct the home with materials that have a high thermal mass. These materials store heat energy, thus, keeping the house warm. Materials such as concrete, tiles and bricks have a high thermal mass. You could also have a strategically located internal pool. Typically, the pool should have direct access to the sun's rays. It helps warm the water during the day. This heat will keep your home warm at night. 

You could install large windows and skylights to let in the sun's light and heat during the day. The window design should be such that the sun's rays hit as many walls as they can. The walls will store this heat and slowly release it at night.

Insulate The Property

Proper insulation will prevent your home from losing heat during cold months. It can also help prevent humidity inside your home. Hire a professional to help you install insulation in your home. The professional will inspect your home and advise which type of insulation you should use. For instance, batting and roll insulation can be used in the attic and walls. Spray and blown-in insulation can be used in tight cavities. Use specialty insulation to insulate ducts and hot water pipes. Each insulation has an R-value. The professional will check the climate of your area to determine the R-value of the insulation you will install.

Consider a High-Quality HVAC System

Install a high-quality AC system in your home. Below are some tips to help you choose an AC system. 

  • Ask an experienced HVAC installer to inspect your home. They will calculate the British Thermal Units (BTU). It will help them to determine the power required to heat your home.
  • Most people will opt to purchase central air conditioning. However, consider split air conditioning that allows you to regulate varying temperatures in each room.
  • Your AC system must have a programmable thermostat. It will enable you to adjust the AC temperatures automatically. Some thermostats have a smart feature that will regulate internal temperatures based on the current weather.
  • The AC system should have a high energy efficiency rating. It helps reduce your electric bills.

Heating your home should now be an easy task. Consider the recommended design tips, insulate the house and install a high-quality HVAC system.

For more heating tips, reach out to a local HVAC contractor.
